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Hello this blog is for the people who like to know about real stuff and like to know answer to everyday life questions. If you got a question or need advice on anything feel free to leave a comment and i'll get back with you ASAP!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

2 ALL B.A.Ns

This message is for all Bitch Azz Niggas who take offence to this blog, if u don't like wat I say then u r a B.A.N. so go kick Rocks!!!
I'm not interested in fuckin on da first day I meet you,nor am I interested in fuckin some one that has a girlfriend,chicks on da side, wife,or baby mama. I can't fuckin stress this shit enough. NO GIRLFRIENDS,CHICKS ON DA SIDE,WIFE,OR BABY MAMA. I'm just feed up wit yall lame ass niggas coming at me like they can just fuck me without giving something up. I'm not a female that wants a nigga to pay her bills and shit. I just believe in gettin to know a person and then enjoying the Freakest Sex u have ever had . The things I am capable of doin in da bedroom is criminal, but if ya come at me like all ya wanna do is fuck me and be done wit it then u really gets no play dis way.
So any of u B.A.N.s that have sent me a message in da past,present, or even near future, no this I really don't have the patience for da games,lies,or bullshit.
Hell watever happen 2 niggas that take a bitch out 2 da movies, bowling,hell even 2 da park. Those niggas really don't exist anymore.Fck da bull shit yall B.A.N.s wanna play stupid. Well if ya readin dis an ur not in da catergory then give yourself a fuckin pat on da back,cuz u R a R.A.N(Real Azz Nigga), and that's the type I kicks it wit.

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